
All I want to do is make more visual books.


I’ve made two more since my last post, and I’m on my third and already thinking about a fourth and fifth one. What is it about this visual bookmaking that is so immersive? 

She doesn’t hesitate. The artist takes the plunge, diving below the surface among images, marks, and memories. It is a world she has created and is now recreating. Immersion beckons her deeper. She merges with. And then after a while, she emerges out. And then does it again. And again.   


The possibilities seem infinite, even as I finish each book. Boundless, even as I bound each book. The ways of combining and connecting, of contrasting and complementing, just keep coming. Surely there is an end, but I don’t see it yet. Maybe I don’t want to. 

She seeks the infinite. Maybe she’s sensing that nothing ever really finishes, anyway. Things always change, evolving from one to the next—rising and falling, ebbing and flowing, waxing and waning. Over and over again. 


There’s a liminal space I’ve come to know in making these visual books. I begin to see something form in my mind’s eye among the scattered mark-making images. Then I notice something else come into focus or follow some other curiosity, collecting that, too. It’s the before and not yet the start. Or have I already started?

She is In Between, on her journey to Elsewhere, where there aren’t the usual limits or bounds. A memory can be in the present. A story can be untold. A thought can be a sense. Knowing is unknowing. 

All I want to do is make more visual books.

Plunging back in, 



chaos & compassion

