words, images, ideas, musings
chaos & compassion
Out of the chaos, her creativity was protecting her, guiding her, and holding her close
Notions of something else, hints from imagination, how impressions become a presence
Seeing underneath
With everything seen, something underneath is there, too, already present and ready to emerge.
Compositions and connections
Pairing two seemingly dissimilar images together to show a similar relationship.
Activity before rest
It’s this time of year when we’re entering rest, yet there’s so much activity before we can rest.
Away / off / closer
Procrastination showed me how far away I was, and let me feel the awkward off-ness of it all…
Black ink across white paper
It’s the sensation that was familiar, the muscle memory of holding the brush just so between my fingers, of dipping the brush in ink, and the careful touch of black ink to white paper.
Kintsugi containing
Kintsugi could show the way of mending, perhaps – of filling the spaces between, of sealing the missing spaces, or holding close what I left behind so long ago.
Being juxtaposed
Images next to images, being juxtaposed. Expressions next to expressions, having dialogues.
Hidden and in reverse
My own chaotic and thundering prints excited me, until I didn't know how to quell these forces of fire and water, of seen and unseen.
Banana tree mark making, again
What we need often comes from within, spiraling upward from our depths to reach the place we need, season after season.
Hold / Behold
Holding onto a memory and behold where it leads… the beauty of St. John, palm tree seed pods, mark making, and waves...
Redbud seedpods and authentic marks
To remember to be authentic with what’s possible and already there within us…
Rangolis: shadow and illumination
My dark shadows came though, seeking light, and illuminated what I needed to see and understand more deeply.
The imprint of effortless flow
Sometimes flow doesn’t happen when we try and instead is the imprint of effortless flow when we don’t try…
Unraveling and fraying
What’s possible when we let go of tightness and let air flow between the new spaces we’ve created.