words, images, ideas, musings
Notions of something else, hints from imagination, how impressions become a presence
Autumn moods and moments
When light and dark, fullness and emptiness, limbo and clarity converge...
Seeing underneath
With everything seen, something underneath is there, too, already present and ready to emerge.
Unsightly / curious
When I wanted to see only one thing, but saw only something else, and then I couldn’t see anything, until…
Compositions and connections
Pairing two seemingly dissimilar images together to show a similar relationship.
Vintage chime
Maybe the vintage Lao fabrics were used to working with long time, slow time, enough time…
Activity before rest
It’s this time of year when we’re entering rest, yet there’s so much activity before we can rest.
Order, chaos, calamity, order
How things aren’t still and energy is always moving and changing…
Autumn longing
Autumn’s longing takes me to places I wouldn’t choose, but I go in this season because she takes me there.