
moving images and poetic stories



When I first came across a poetry video, it inspired me to do something like that, even though I didn’t exactly know what it was or how to do it. It was the poetic aesthetic and artful expression that I was drawn to. I try to experiment with this in showing my creative process through video.


The artist takes the plunge, diving below the surface among images, marks, and memories. It is a world she has created and is now recreating. Read the blog post here.

Activity before rest

There’s a transition in this season, a gathering before the winter solstice when dark and light pass from one to the next. They are at play, needing each other, as autumn needs winter, and activity needs rest. Read the blog post here.

Kintsugi containing

Kintsugi could show the way of mending, perhaps – of filling the spaces between, of sealing the missing spaces, or holding close what I left behind so long ago. Read the blog post here.

Banana tree mark making, again

What we need often comes from within, spiraling upward from our depths to reach the place we need, season after season. Read the blog post here.

Hold / behold

Holding onto a memory and behold where it leads… the beauty of St. John, palm tree seed pods, mark making and waves. Read the blog post here.

Easing away, returning, and turning

When we need to ease away, and when we need to keep something close by too, and when we return to it, knowing well it has changed. Read the blog post here.

Accentuating what’s already there

To accentuate, to give a hint of vibrancy, is to remind us of what’s possible and to reveal what’s already there. Read the blog post here.

Tree branching out

When the creative process branches out – to see another view, then returns, more attuned to our core again, we are changed. Read the blog post here.

The marks a fabric brush makes

What happens when brush, paper, water, plate, and color all gather together. Sometimes it’s the entire creative process that becomes the most interesting thing. Read the blog post here.

Leaf play

And then there were more leaves, especially from the river birch tree, as if to say that it was their turn to play. Read the blog post here.

Inside outside beside

Musings, music, and how stories change. Read the blog post here.

Golden spiraling wands

The threads of my past are remembering. Maybe these wands are enchanting me once again to this season. Read the blog post here.


There’s always so much more to the story than what’s there. Read the blog post here.

Assemblage sketches

Assemblage – the process of bringing together things that might not get along, or maybe they do, or maybe we’re not sure. But we can try. Read the blog post here.

Rangolis: shadow and illumination

My dark shadows came through, seeking light, and illuminated what I needed to see and understand more deeply. Read the blog post here.

Hemp elm healing chime

Sometimes we’re a little crooked and just need to be realigned. The story of a healing chime’s own healing. Read the blog post here.

Unraveling and fraying

What’s possible when we let go of tightness and let air flow between the new spaces we’ve created. Read the blog post here.


Notions of something else, hints from imagination, and how impressions become a presence. Read the blog here.

Leaf art

Maybe they were telling me something, those yellow windswept leaves shimmering on a palette of gray stone. Read the blog post here.

Being juxtaposed

Images next to images, being juxtaposed. Expressions next to expressions, having dialogues. Read the blog post here.

The way of vessels

Somehow she knew she was to do something with the paper, that she was meant to find it. Or maybe it found her. Because it seemed the vessels were trying to show her something, another way. Read the blog post here.

Bark, twigs, driftwood, fabric, and thread

What happens when differences get close to each other, and discover that something lively and interesting happens. Read the blog post here.

The imprint of effortless flow

Sometimes, flow doesn’t happen when we try, and instead, it is the imprint of effortless flow when we don’t try. Read the blog post here.

Intimacy in work

“Work, among all its abstracts, is actually intimacy, the place where the self meets the world…” D.Whyte Read the blog post here.

Banana tree mark-making

What happens when you share a photo of banana stalks with a friend, and it turns into an afternoon of expressive mark-making together. Read the blog post here.

